BPH Programs, Retreats, Workshops

About our programs

Big Picture Health provides women and girls with safe and inclusive opportunities to engage in and learn positive wellbeing practice and develop resilience leadership. We empower women and girls to reach their potential in wellbeing, sport and life.

Big Picture Health use the “URISE” Pillars as the foundation of all its programs and encourage the Philosophy of “Your tomorrow starts today”.

The URISE Pillars are evidence based, holistic and wellbeing focused providing students with opportunities to explore and embrace positive psychology and wellbeing practice in a safe and supportive environment.

Unleash - enabling girls to discover their strength and also letting go of stress/ tension. Getting out of their head and into their body is a key practice in emotional regulation and stress management

Raise resilience - progressive specific skills development, where girls add to their toolkit giving them a variety of options to lean into when they are faced with challenges.

Invite intuition - personal awareness, sense of self and developing intuitive conscience to help them live in integrity as their authentic self. Helping them to lean away from group think, and find alignment with their core values, beliefs and the emotional balance that come with knowing yourself well.

Soulful self care - prioritising wellbeing and learning a variety of practices that grow self awareness, esteem, emotional intelligence and nourish the whole being, and move away from masking and numbing.

Explore Authentic self - Personal development practices that encourage growth mindset, build on goal setting, develop habits of confidence and finding value in purposeful action.

BPH programs

Women Rising

Women Rising is a program centred around girls aged 14-16 years at the peak rate of physical activity drop out and arrival of mental health concerns. The program involves both physical and cognitive development and uses a cross- sectional approach to building resilience and enhancing wellbeing. The program brings students together in gender specific environment and creates a safe space for them to learn and explore authenticity, define personal integrity, courageously set goals and work through challenges, and learn skills for resilience leadership compassion and acceptance.

Women Rising can be run as retreat days, a fun filled day to explore and embrace all that it means to be a young woman, provide strategies for positive health and wellbeing and introduces some creative ways to set and reach goals for the future.Or, it can run as an 8 week school based program.

BPH Services

Mindful Motion

Mindful is the perfect options for staff or students , and for teams who may be looking for the perfect cross training and wellbeing activity that embodies holistic practice, mind body connection, mindfulness, relaxation, breath-work and positive psychology philosophy. Participants learn and develop physical and mental strength through functional and pilates based training, personal skills to improve resilience and grit, mental focus, self confidence and self esteem, and gratitude practices that enhance wellbeing. This program can be adapted to suit the needs of the school and the participants. It is an excellent option for retreats, personal & professional development days, school sports options or as an addition to school offerings for staff and student wellbeing.

woman in white tank top and pink leggings doing yoga
woman in white tank top and pink leggings doing yoga

BPH Programs

Girls Can Play

Bringing girls together to play and learn together is key. Research shows play is the foundation for growth and joy. Girls Can Play embraces this concept and delivers this signature program and provides opportunities for girls to develop skills for the game and life, grow in confidence and build a practical toolkit to help them face challenge with grit and grace. The Girls can play program can be run as a sports specific or transferrable skills program , a 5-10 week program or a whole day workshop.

U - Grow Girl

U grow Girl is targeted at 11- 13 year olds as they transition into high school. The program can be run as retreat days or has been developed to suit the school environment as a 8 week program.

U - Grow girl meets the need for young teens to be prepared for the challenges they face as they move into the teenage years and help them cope and thrive. Participants learn to embrace their unique authenticity and support themselves and each other as they transition into this new phase of life and develop their skills and capacity and introduce them to strategies they can implement to support themselves at this time.

BPH Programs